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خزفية نورة ✨ Artist Norah Pottery Studio .. كل ما يتعلق بالخزف 🌿 التوصيل لجميع مناطق المملكة 📦 salla.sa/norah.potterystudio

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سوف تحذف جميع المشاركات التي لاتوضع في القسم المناسب لة

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التسجيل التعليمـــات التقويم

قسم الهواتف الذكيه ( اندرويد , ios , وندوز فون ) كل ما يتعلق باجهزة الجوال والاتصالات المحموله وبرامجها .

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قديم 18-06-2016, 01:31
خالد مشعل
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2015
المشاركات: 1,347
خالد مشعل will become famous soon enoughخالد مشعل will become famous soon enough
تحميل لانشر 3D للأندرويد CM Launcher 3D - Stylish Boost v3.4.0

CM Launcher 3D - Stylish Boost v3.4.0 APK
FREE Wallpapers and Themes! Make your phone stylish!
<br>Developed by Cheetah Mobile & the Highest Rated Launcher on Google Play
<br>CM Launcher 3D, the world 1st launcher powered by 3D engine, is redefining android desktop! It will bring your phone lighting speed, stunning 3D transition effects, and customized operation on your phone. With smooth experience, your phone will feel like new!
Main features
1. Brand-new 3D transition effects
<br>CM Launcher 3D is powered by the most advanced 3D animation engine. With various graphic effects, it will subvert the traditional plat interface, and make your operation more interesting, smooth and cool.
<br>- Amazing 3D transition effects on screens and folders switching.
<br>- Elegant and simple 3D screen navigation.
<br>- Screen management interface with sense of space.
<br>- Cool 3D clock and weather widgets.
<br>- Dynamic display on All Apps alphabetical list, or “App drawerâ€‌.
<br>- More 3D widgets, themes and wallpapers are coming. Watch the concept video to know more: https://youtu.be/Z3OVZFh7uOI
2. Speedy
<br>With a small size and taking no system storage, it can boost phone speed by 100%. You can open Apps and search things online with lighting speed.
3. Personalized
<br>- Free themes: thousands of stylish themes, various categories. You can always find the one you like in this world biggest theme store!
<br>- DIY themes: you can become a designer to make your own theme here, and even get your own fans!
<br>- Animation & sound effects: integrate animation and sound effects into themes, and make your phone one of the kind!
4. Safe
<br>Powered by AV-TEST, the best anti-virus engine, CM Launcher 3D protects your phone from privacy leak and malware threat.
5. Battery-saving
<br>Clean the battery-draining process automatically. By setting CM Launcher as default, you can save 30% of your battery life.
6. Hide apps
<br>With no need to root, you can easily protect some apps from peepers by hiding them in a special folder!
7. Smart sorting
<br>Automatically sort your Apps into folders and keep your desktop tidy.
8. ********s supported
<br>English, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, Italian, French, German, Danish, Dutch, Ukrainian, Hungarian, Polish, Croatian, Czech, Greek, Hebrew, Romanian, Serbian (Cyrillic), Slovak, Turkish, Arabic, Persian, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Indonesian, Malay, Vietnamese, Simplified Chinese and Traditional Chinese.






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