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خزفية نورة ✨ Artist Norah Pottery Studio .. كل ما يتعلق بالخزف 🌿 التوصيل لجميع مناطق المملكة 📦 salla.sa/norah.potterystudio

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سوف تحذف جميع المشاركات التي لاتوضع في القسم المناسب لة

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التسجيل التعليمـــات التقويم

منـــــتدى دول ومدن العالم الســــــــــــــفر والســـياحـــــــه تاريخ الدول والمدن,الجغرافية البشرية,السفر,السياحة,معالم البلدان,مجتمع,وكل مايتعلق بثقافة الدول والبلدان

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قديم 16-10-2020, 05:37
سعيد سمير
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Sep 2020
المشاركات: 47
سعيد سمير will become famous soon enoughسعيد سمير will become famous soon enough
سياحة دبي و الامارات

dubai tourist visa

Tourist areas in Dubai Dubai is famous for its modern architecture. It is home to a large number of architectural wonders, including the tallest hotel, the tallest tower, and the largest shopping center in the world. Among the most important of these sites that can be visited are: [3] The Palm Islands: The Palm Islands are located The palm tree in the Arabian Gulf off the coast of the United Arab Emirates, which is artificial islands built in the form of palm trees, and these three islands are known as Palm Deira, Palm Jumeirah and Palm Jebel Ali. Burj Khalifa: Burj Khalifa is the tallest tower in the world since 2008, with a height of 828.1 meters. Its construction was completed in 2010 and was designed in the form of a letter (y), and it is noteworthy that it contains eight escalators and fifty-seven elevators. Cayan Tower: Cayan Tower is located at a height of 306 meters, and extends for nearly seventy-four floors, and is famous for its unique design, and its exposure to the least amount of sunlight, due to the use of the technique of passive solar shading, which includes titanium panels placed on concrete columns on the building
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سعيد سمير غير متواجد حالياً  
رد مع اقتباس
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