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خزفية نورة ✨ Artist Norah Pottery Studio .. كل ما يتعلق بالخزف 🌿 التوصيل لجميع مناطق المملكة 📦 salla.sa/norah.potterystudio

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سوف تحذف جميع المشاركات التي لاتوضع في القسم المناسب لة

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صفحة جديدة 3

التسجيل التعليمـــات التقويم

قسم الهواتف الذكيه ( اندرويد , ios , وندوز فون ) كل ما يتعلق باجهزة الجوال والاتصالات المحموله وبرامجها .

إضافة رد
قديم 02-06-2016, 06:02
خالد مشعل
عضو مميز
تاريخ التسجيل: Oct 2015
المشاركات: 1,347
خالد مشعل will become famous soon enoughخالد مشعل will become famous soon enough
تطبيق اوفيس العملاق Microsoft Office Mobile v15.0.5329.2000 للاندوريد

Microsoft Office Mobile v15.0.5329.2000

<br> Microsoft Office Mobile is the Office companion for phones running Android OS prior to v4.4. You can access, view and edit your Word, Excel and PowerPoint ********s from virtually anywhere. ********s look like the originals, thanks to support for charts, animations, SmartArt graphics and shapes. When you make quick edits or add comments to a ********, the formatting and ******* remain intact.
Access ********s from virtually anywhere:
• Cloud – With your phone, you can access Office ********s that are stored on OneDrive, OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint.
• Recent ********s – Office Mobile is cloud-connected. The ********s you’ve recently viewed on your computer are readily available on your phone in the recent ********s panel.
• Email Attachments – You can view and edit Office ********s attached to email messages.*
<br>Office ********s look great:
• Great-Looking ********s - Word, Excel and PowerPoint ********s look great on your phone, thanks to support for charts, animations, SmartArt Graphics, and shapes.
• Optimized for Phone - Word, Excel and PowerPoint have been optimized for the small screen of your phone.
• Resume Reading - When opening a Word ******** from OneDrive or OneDrive for Business on your phone, it automatically resumes at the place where you left off reading, even if you last viewed the ******** on your PC or tablet.
• Presentation Views - The Slide Navigator view in PowerPoint lets you browse slides faster, while speaker notes help you practice your presentation.
<br>Make quick edits and share*:
• ********s Remain Intact - Formatting and ******* remain intact when you edit Word, Excel, or PowerPoint ********s on your phone.
• Create – You can create new Word and Excel ********s on your phone.
• Comments - You can review comments that have been made in Word and Excel ********s on your phone and add your own comments.
<br> * Sign in with a free Microsoft account to create, edit and save ********s for home use. A qualifying Office 365

صفحة جديدة 2

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